In the article “Where Telecom ParisTech publishes regularly“, I showed an example of use of the semantic representation of our bibliography: a graph that allows to see the lecture series mainly used by Telecom ParisTech researchers to publish scientific results .
I will give here some technical elements which made it possible to obtain this result. To lighten the notations, prefixes are used; they are explained at the end of this article.
For starters, a URI has been assigned to each publication. They are of the form:
where NNNNN is a unique number assigned to a publication in the bibliographic database of Télécom ParisTech. For example:
Each conference article is associated with a conference by the predicate <> that we have defined for our own purposes.
For example, the previous article is associated with a conference by the triple:
tpt:13187 sb:inConf conf:ISM2012
Each lecture is associated with a series of lectures using the predicate
defined by the Springer publisher for its access point to its data graph (see possible the predicates are chosen from useful predicates already used by other data sets).
conf:ISM2012 ns0:hasSeries conf:ism
Thus the following query allows us to find the number of publications per serie of conferences, sorted by increasing value:
SELECT ?source (count(?paper) as ?count) WHERE { graph ?g { ?paper sb:inConf ?conf . ?conf ns0:hasSeries ?urisource . ?urisource dc:label ?source } } group by ?source order by desc(?count)
By sending the request with a response request in TSV format, we can directly integrate the response as input of a graphic defined with the javascript graphic library D3.js. The code used by our graphical representation is a very simple variant of the example presented here.
Additional note: prefixes used above
prefix conf: <> prefix tpt: <> prefix sb: <> prefix ns0: <>