Using public data: educational resources

Our team has undertaken reuse of public data , especially in the field of culture. For this, we treat public data available on to improve their use in semantic web and LOD ( Linked Open Data) .

The first set of re-published data is that entitled

Educational resources for teaching art history

published by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication , licensed ‘Open License‘ .

The original file is a CSV file, which contains the description of 5000 worksheets . This file has multiple columns with multiple values ​​separated by ‘,’ or ‘;’ . We have improved the structure of the data by unlinking these values ​​so they can be easily recognized for use in the Semantic Web , and in particular with SPARQL queries. In this regard, see, and the ongoing integration within the ILOT project.

The file was converted into RDF/XML . It is available at the following address . It is published under Creative Commons Share Alike license .

Our data were announced in, here:

Future developments of our work are expected to enrich the data with :

  • links to external data (eg links with DBPedia for people and places, geonames links for places )
  • links to a description enriched for all tags and keywords used in this file.

Feel free to use this resource. Thank you for keeping us informed if you use or improve it.

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