Some french SPARQL endpoints

A short post, which will evolve from time to time, to list some SPARQL endpoints which have a significant relation with France, for example:

  • data produced by a french institution;
  • data about french resources.


The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the main and the official library in France, published a lot of data about artworks, authors and artists.


This project helps a lot of french actors which work on cultural data (Digital Humanities) to publish data on an unique access point. A lot of data sets have been published.

DBPEDIA français

A workgroup has taken the job to expand the DBPedia intiative to the french Wikipedia.   The SPARQL endpoint is here: (virtuoso endpoint)

(to check: what is


The european project Europeana collect a lot of european cultural data including french data.

GIVINGSENSE (experimental)

… and really small in regard of previous projects. Our team is publishing data and enrichment about the french curiculum and the school system. It’s experimental, a work in progress. All is not so clean as it should be, but things are useful as is. The project is commented here:

Datasets are progressively integrated in a triple store with a sparql endpoint: (Virtuoso endpoint)

Available datasets are for instance:

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